Sunday, August 28, 2011

Vietnamese Beef Pho

I can't resist to eat this Vietnamese Pho. It's full of flavor, generous meat and vegetable inside.

I get this at Lotus Viet Thai, Vivocity kopitiam, basement 1.
It cost only $4.5 (Aug 2011).
I find it is taste better than that in Madame Butterfly restaurant.
Sometimes, I make a special trip just to go there when I feel like eating this beef Pho.
Thumbs up !

Friday, August 12, 2011

Teochew Fishball

Ehm...nice food for breakfast,lunch or dinner .Teochew fishball noodle.

I love the taste. The noodle is not super spongy. It is soft but not soggy.
Nice fishball,spongy and fresh.I would like to give 3.5 out of 5 because I feel it will be better if the noodle texture improve to become slightly spongy then current one.

Find it at bukit timah market.

Monday, August 1, 2011

SKII-Bare skin for a day

It’s a dream for every woman to have clear crystal skin. No need much effort to looks great. I am not a fan of heavy makeup that can turn to somebody else (unrecognizable).Show off our natural beauty and no need to hide with thick paint on your skin.
SK2 recently l launch a campaign on the true beauty and I am one of the supporter. To support the campaign, I go on bare skin for a day.
This is me, without make up.

Going make-up free is not a common thing to do while I am at work. I like to give some colour to my cheek and define eyebrow to make me look sharp and fresh. This time, I go on naked face without putting any make up on my face except moisturizer to keep moisturize in Air conditioner room. Surprisingly, nobody is noticing during that day. It feels great as I know that I am still look great without those make up on my face.

You can also join the contest by uploading the photos and tell your experience of bare your skin for a day.
View and join the contest now,visit the below link for more details: