Wednesday, September 14, 2011

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Massaman curry..
Voted as no 1, most delicious food in world by CNN in July 2011.
Felt curious of how is its taste like, I went to Lerk THai and ate.

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Ehm, massaman curry for me is like chicken cooked in satay peanut sauce...

What makes it no.1, CNN never mention how they did their survey...
But seems that not many people know about it also.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Healthy and Easy 5 mins Cooking for Lunch.

I want something healthy...
Too often eating at foodcourt makes me tired of deciding what to eat.
I want something light, healthy but easy to prepare.
I decide to cook myself.

--Mee Sua---
Below is my recipe for whoever interested to cook a healthy meal.
500 ml of water
1 tablespoon of soy sauce
yong tou fu ingredients : 3 fishball, 2 meat ball, 2 tau pok, 5 slices of meat.
(up to you what you want to put)
It can be hard boiled egg,fishball, beancurd, tau pok, meat ball, sliced fish etc.
1 bunch of mee sua
5 wolfberry seed
3 red dates
3 tablespoon of Yamechiu or DOM
fried shallot (for garnish)
1. Boiled water together with the red date and wolfberry
2. When the water boiled, add the yong tou fu ingredients
3. After boiled, add the mee sua and stir a while (1 mins)
4. Off the fire.
5. Put the Yamechiu in the bowl.
6. Pour the Mee Sua into the bowl, stir well and garnish.
7. ready to serve.