Thursday, February 17, 2011

Money Money Money

I was attending class about the managing personal finance. Ehm, the lesson is quite basic and easy to catch but the assignment is terible because it consumed a lot of time.
He posted the Mama Mia song about money.I found it interesting and quite suit the ordinary human life.
Hear the song and find the lyrics:

Song by Jenny Galloway


I work all night, I work all day

To pay the bills I have to pay


Ain't it sad?


And still there never seems to be

A single penny left for me


That's too bad


In my dreams I have a plan

If I got me a wealthy man

I would not have to work at all

I'd fool around and have a ball


Money, money, money

Must be funny

In a rich man's world

Money, money, money

Always sunny

In a rich man's world


All the things I could do

If I had a little money

It's a rich man's world

It's a rich man's world


A man like that is hard to find


But I can't get him off my mind


Ain't it sad?


And if he happens to be free
Find More lyrics at

I bet he wouldn't fancy me


That's too bad


So I must leave, I have to go

To Las Vegas or Monaco

And win a fortune in a game

My life would never be the same


Money, money, money

Must be funny

In a rich man's world

Money, money, money

Always sunny

In a rich man's world


All the things I could do


If I had a little money

It's a rich man's world

Money, money, money

Must be funny

In a rich man's world

Money, money, money

Always sunny

In a rich man's world


All the things I could do


If I had a little money

It's a rich man's world

It's a rich man's world

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Eye Care

Recently, I have been thinking hard to treat my eyesight that not as perfect as last time. I guess I have been using my eyes too hard until it reducing its power.
One of my colleagues mention that the "Inner Shine" from brands can treat her frend astigmatism.Ehm, it sounds good, but I have not go and buy that stuff yet. Last time, I ever bought and drank it for pleasure hence I never noticed the benefit.

Some said that buying a pinhole spectacles can help.But after I found the information from internet(of course eye expert), mostly claim that it does not help to reduce the eyesight problem, it just help to relax the eye by seeing through the pinhole as it cover the light from pass through the eye.

Finally, I found something that can help my eyes.It is eyes' exercises.It is easy to do .This exercise claims can treat myopia and it called The Bates Method, developed in 1891.No harm to try.We always exersice our body but often neglected to exercise our eyes.

Here we go:

1.Palming is a technique that allows the eyes to fully relax. Use the palming technique daily and following other eye exercises. To perform this technique, rub the palms of your hands together briskly so that they become warm. Place your cupped hands over your eyes so that your eyes are in darkness. Do not press on your eyes. With your eyes closed, feel the warmth from your hands and relax for a few moments.
Developing Focal Flexibility
2.One of the most important exercises you can do to treat your myopia is called a focal flexibility exercise. To do this exercise, hold your finger up about 6 inches in front of your face. Focus on your finger for a count of five; then focus on an object in the distance for a count of five. Alternate your focus from near to far, working up to 40 repetitions. Do not wear glasses or contacts when performing this exercise.
3.During this exercise, you need a source of light; an adjustable lamp with a 60- to 100-watt bulb is ideal. Throughout this entire exercise, it is important to keep your eyes CLOSED. With your eyes closed, turn directly into the light. There should be no discomfort; if there is, move farther away from the light or use a light source that is less intense. Imagine a point on the horizon. Moving your head and eyes together, turn slowly to the left, taking about 3 seconds. Return to the center. Again moving your head and eyes together, turn slowly to the right. Return again to the center. Take your time and work on keeping your eyes and head moving together rather than your eyes "jumping" ahead. Always palm after the sunning exercise.

Source: Read more: Eye Exercises to Treat Myopia |

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cai Shen Ye

Today is CNY eve.
According to fengshui master,the Chinese Lunar New Year falls on the 3rd of February 2011. However, this year the Rabbit will only arrive on the following day, 4th of February 2011 at 1232 hours. This year round it is a Yin Metal Rabbit. It is also known as a white fur Rabbit. The last time it appeared was in the year 1951. Some of you may not even be born yet.

And the important thing is when the Cai Shen Ye (Wealth Deity) will arrive?and from which side he will come from?
He will arrive on eve of CNY. He will be on the North side.
How to welcome him?
Some people go to temple and welcome him.
For another way, I am not so sure.You must consult fengshui master if you want.
Some believe to stay awake until midnight.It means don't sleep to early on the new year 's eve.

Tom Yum Soup and heatiness

Today is Wednesday, I feel heaty and I got constipation until my anal skin is bleeding.
I flashed back what I had eaten this few days, ehm ...
Monday lunch: kampung fried rice, no fruit
Monday dinner : honey chicken with rice,but I find the rice is hard and half cooked.
Tuesday lunch : Tom Yum You Mien, guava
Tuesday dinner: pig intestine soup with rice.

I guess what make me constipation is the half cooked rice and the tom yum soup make it worse.
Oh my God, it just 2 days of bad food and the effect is so fast.
Must be careful on what we eat...