Saturday, March 19, 2011

Eye again

Eye again.

Yes, Eyes are important.
Recently, I just found out from my friend about the new ingredients that is good for eye.It is Lutein.
Lutein is actually naturally occuring caretenoids.It found in green leafy vegetables.
Lutein is employed by organisms as an antioxidant and for blue light absorption.Ehm, I have done some research and found that Lutein has very important role in our eyes.Lutein was found to be concentrated in the macula, a small area of the retina responsible for central vision. The hypothesis for the natural concentration is that lutein helps keep the eyes safe from oxidative stress and the high-energy photons of blue light.
Since lutein is for blue light, I have found another info saying that blackcurrant is for purple colour.This is good for see thing under dim light.

There are product that contain complete ingredients for eyes, it is called "SUper Lutein",unfortunately this is under MLM,hence it is a bit difficult to buy.

I am still looking for other product that can buy freely from store like Guardian or Watsons.

1 comment:

  1. Ehm, I found one product that is worth to try.It is called "Optim Eyes" from Natural Way.This product contain ingredients that more or less the same with the super lutein.It only required to take 1 capsule a day instead of 3 tablets like Super Lutein.I find the effect is quite good. The next day after consume the capsule, I always find there is eye shit like mucuos at the corner of the eye.Af if the optim eye is get rid of the dirt in the eye.The result is the eye not so dry and clearer.
    "Worth to try"
