Saturday, December 17, 2011

Steamboat Broth

Look at that!This is the ingredients that use by my mom- in law to make steamboat broth.No preservative was used.No commercial chicken broth was used also. All natural. It tastes great and very sweet.

Preparation to welcome the new year (2012)

Recently, I have been clearing my cupboard. Some I throw and some I pass to other people. Almost half of things in cupboard are empty now. This is to create space for the new thing,hehehe.

Just read interesting article written by Lilian Too about recycle and re-use stuff. She said that It is advisable to always have new wallet every new year to attract new money and luck.This is really opposite from the thinking that I used to have and told by some old people. They always said that " The older and crumpled your wallet , the better your luck in money."As a result , I have not changed my wallet for years,hahaha.Ehm, since I have follow the old advise for years and money luck is quite stagnant. It might better for me to follow new advise and see the the effect.
It may take one year for me to tell you the effect.So just remind me to update you the result if you are curious:)

Friday, October 21, 2011

Geisha Looks

After I try the eye protection, the next day I try UV protection for face.I bought UV protection and face protection at the same time.

Oh my God, I have received the same comment as the eye UV protection.Somebody commented that I look like "Geisha"
I have been spending money buying UV protection and all end up not so good result.haiz..
Although it has very white colour, it has a pleasant smell. I like it.
As it is just bought, I still continue using despite the "Geisha looks".
Don't waste:)

Eye UV protection.

Normally I will put UV protection on my face and avoid eye area as instruct in the packaging. In long run, I find the area around my eye get darker due to no protection.
I decided to find UV cream that can apply to eye area.
I came across UV bright eyes from Lancome.

I apply this and go to office.
I find the colour is too white and bright.
Some of collegues thought that I applying eye shadow but it does not suitable for me.One even commented that I look like "Hantu"
Overall, the comment is not so pleasant to hear as I can say:)Frankly speaking , I never have such bad comment before when I try a new product.
But it's such a waste if I throw it away,hahaha.
I thing it will be better that if it is use as a eye shadow base instead of let it as it is.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

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Massaman curry..
Voted as no 1, most delicious food in world by CNN in July 2011.
Felt curious of how is its taste like, I went to Lerk THai and ate.

Posted by Picasa

Ehm, massaman curry for me is like chicken cooked in satay peanut sauce...

What makes it no.1, CNN never mention how they did their survey...
But seems that not many people know about it also.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Healthy and Easy 5 mins Cooking for Lunch.

I want something healthy...
Too often eating at foodcourt makes me tired of deciding what to eat.
I want something light, healthy but easy to prepare.
I decide to cook myself.

--Mee Sua---
Below is my recipe for whoever interested to cook a healthy meal.
500 ml of water
1 tablespoon of soy sauce
yong tou fu ingredients : 3 fishball, 2 meat ball, 2 tau pok, 5 slices of meat.
(up to you what you want to put)
It can be hard boiled egg,fishball, beancurd, tau pok, meat ball, sliced fish etc.
1 bunch of mee sua
5 wolfberry seed
3 red dates
3 tablespoon of Yamechiu or DOM
fried shallot (for garnish)
1. Boiled water together with the red date and wolfberry
2. When the water boiled, add the yong tou fu ingredients
3. After boiled, add the mee sua and stir a while (1 mins)
4. Off the fire.
5. Put the Yamechiu in the bowl.
6. Pour the Mee Sua into the bowl, stir well and garnish.
7. ready to serve.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Vietnamese Beef Pho

I can't resist to eat this Vietnamese Pho. It's full of flavor, generous meat and vegetable inside.

I get this at Lotus Viet Thai, Vivocity kopitiam, basement 1.
It cost only $4.5 (Aug 2011).
I find it is taste better than that in Madame Butterfly restaurant.
Sometimes, I make a special trip just to go there when I feel like eating this beef Pho.
Thumbs up !

Friday, August 12, 2011

Teochew Fishball

Ehm...nice food for breakfast,lunch or dinner .Teochew fishball noodle.

I love the taste. The noodle is not super spongy. It is soft but not soggy.
Nice fishball,spongy and fresh.I would like to give 3.5 out of 5 because I feel it will be better if the noodle texture improve to become slightly spongy then current one.

Find it at bukit timah market.

Monday, August 1, 2011

SKII-Bare skin for a day

It’s a dream for every woman to have clear crystal skin. No need much effort to looks great. I am not a fan of heavy makeup that can turn to somebody else (unrecognizable).Show off our natural beauty and no need to hide with thick paint on your skin.
SK2 recently l launch a campaign on the true beauty and I am one of the supporter. To support the campaign, I go on bare skin for a day.
This is me, without make up.

Going make-up free is not a common thing to do while I am at work. I like to give some colour to my cheek and define eyebrow to make me look sharp and fresh. This time, I go on naked face without putting any make up on my face except moisturizer to keep moisturize in Air conditioner room. Surprisingly, nobody is noticing during that day. It feels great as I know that I am still look great without those make up on my face.

You can also join the contest by uploading the photos and tell your experience of bare your skin for a day.
View and join the contest now,visit the below link for more details:

Friday, July 1, 2011

Mate Tea

I want to share about my Mate Tea experience.
Bought because attracted by Quan Yi feng advertisement from Ripple.
I saw the tea a few times before in the Watson and Guardian but never buy because not familiar.
First time I drank, I feel very sleepy and my eyes immediately half close .
I was reading a book at that time but I could not continue as suddenly I feel very sleepy.
Second day I drank, no more sleepy effect.The next day I feel my complexion better.
Finally I drink it everyday as feel good and fresh during and after drink.
As the mate tea has a lot of health benefit , the more and more I like to drink it.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Now , we can get product from everypart of the world easily.
The price is so competitive.
One click from internet, the whole list of sellers are come out.
Everybody sell the same thing.
So, how to choose?
As the seller ,what should you do?
I feel as a seller, they have to be make themselves known to buyer.
They must be reliable and trustable.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Konohimitsu Product

Konohimitsu actually has a lot of beauty drinks but not all are sold in Singapore, especially at Guardian or Watsons.
I have tried drank the "Jpan beauty drinks".It claims that contains a lot of collagen.
It has some perilla smell combine with fishy note.Overall smell is still acceptable.
Original price is $39.90 but currently it got 30R%discount at Guardian and Watsons.

Thinking of getting for eye bright function but seems like it does not sold in Singapore, haiz...

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Detox Tea

Detox for the body is necessary.Especially if our diet is full of unhealthy stuff, oily food and unnecessary toxin.
Recently I purchase Konohimatsu Detox tea with peppermint flavor.
First time I drank, the effect is very good.I can feel the tea clean my stomach and intestine.After about 8 hours, it will cause to pass motion for about 2 times only .It will follow with slight discomfort but not pain.
After that, I feel very light and fresh.The next day, my skin feel smoother.
Worth to try.


Friday, May 6, 2011

Exam Time

At this time, I have to put more time on my exam preparation.Therefore, my lovely blog is a bit neglected.My school post an encouragement article for all the students before exam. I think it is good and interesting. I would like to share with whoever read my blog :)

Here we go,....

Dear Students,

Another semester has come and gone. Now, you will be focused on preparing for your exams. As you look back to the time when you decide to take up your degree programme with UniSIM, I am certain that it was a brave and giant step forward to fulfilling your dreams and life goals. However, along your journey, you may have found yourself feeling discouraged and possibly disillusioned when you find that things are not turning out the way you have envisaged. If this is where you are right now, take time to read the following article and see if you can glean some gems of wisdom and encouragement to help you move closer to your dreams and goals.In the meantime, here’s wishing you success in your exams. And do take care of your physical and emotional health during this important time of your student life. Don't Let Your Life's Goals Fall By The Waysidefrom the American Counseling Association
8 November 2008Most of us have dreams and goals that we once thought were keys to our happiness, but that, for whatever reasons, we just never quite achieved.
This doesn't necessarily mean we're not happy with our lives, but we still may feel frustrated or disappointed about those unfulfilled dreams.
While there's no magic way to make all your dreams come true, you can take action to get closer to your life's goals and to lessen those feelings of frustration.
A starting point is to put the past behind you. Holding on to unresolved anger and old resentments uses up energy and accomplishes nothing. Forget past hurts or abandonments and instead begin managing your daily life so that it reflects who you are and what you value.
It also helps to be realistic in evaluating your goals. In romance, for example, there is no "ideal" relationship or "perfect" mate. But there can be someone who can accept and care about the real you, and who is able to get things right more often than wrong. Similarly, there is no perfect job, but there are work situations that can challenge you and provide a real sense of accomplishment.
Knowing yourself is vital to feeling more fulfilled. What are your personal strengths and interests? Once identified, put time and energy into nourishing them. Rather than trying to be someone you're not, enhance who you already are. Whatever you do well, do it frequently and proudly and you'll find that rewards will follow.
If you want to achieve specific goals, it's vital to take action toward them, rather than simply dreaming about them and waiting for things to happen. Even small steps in the right direction make a difference. Maybe it's a first phone call, rewriting your resume, or taking a class. While we usually know the end result we want, we often fail to take the first step to get to it.
You also want balance in your life. Saying "no" to excessive demands on your time, talent or goodwill will allow you time for the things you really want to do, without the resentment and anger that comes from agreeing to things you really don't want to do.
Reaching your life's goals means that you stop letting old beliefs and other's ideas define who you are and what you have to do. Instead, accept that you, and only you, can take action to reach the dreams and goals that really matter to you.

With Best Wishes,


Saturday, April 2, 2011

Ginger Drink

I bought this product from Thai exhibition in Thai Embassy orchard.
First time I tried, I find that the drink tasted nice and warm.
But because of just arrive , I decide to buy later when I want to go home.
Therefore, I proceed to eat and enjoy the activity there.
After just one hour of walking around and tried a few food there, I decided to go home and I proceed to buy the ginger drink as plan.
Guess what, the ginger drinks has been sold out. It only left 2 open display boxes.
On the board, it is written 1 boxes cost $5 dollars.
The shop keeper said " We are closing,we left 2 boxes but it is opened, you can get both of them for $5.Guess what, I bought the 2 boxes despite they are opened.Anyway, only the paper boxes is open the rest is complete and intact.It is a good buy:)

I like the ginger drink, it tastes very natural and the warm effect is very good.
I often attend clas at night, the air conditioner was very cold.I was freezing for 3 hours.After go home, I will drink this ginger.It makes me feel warm and nice.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Eye again

Eye again.

Yes, Eyes are important.
Recently, I just found out from my friend about the new ingredients that is good for eye.It is Lutein.
Lutein is actually naturally occuring caretenoids.It found in green leafy vegetables.
Lutein is employed by organisms as an antioxidant and for blue light absorption.Ehm, I have done some research and found that Lutein has very important role in our eyes.Lutein was found to be concentrated in the macula, a small area of the retina responsible for central vision. The hypothesis for the natural concentration is that lutein helps keep the eyes safe from oxidative stress and the high-energy photons of blue light.
Since lutein is for blue light, I have found another info saying that blackcurrant is for purple colour.This is good for see thing under dim light.

There are product that contain complete ingredients for eyes, it is called "SUper Lutein",unfortunately this is under MLM,hence it is a bit difficult to buy.

I am still looking for other product that can buy freely from store like Guardian or Watsons.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Full moon 2011

This coming Friday (18th March 2011)is supposed to be full moon.
This time is a bit special where the moon distance to earth is the closest one since 12 December 2008.
Normally high tide will be occur in full moon.
I am not sure what will happen as last Friday ,Japan just hit by Tsunami.
Now, world is busy with Japan 's disaster.
Tsunami is related to tide also.
Hopefully ,this coming full moon is just normal high tide not another tsunami.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Best Friend (Japanese Song)

Best Fried –By Kana Nishino

kimi ga ite kurete hontou yokatta yo
donna toki datte itsumo
waratte irareru
tatoeba, hanarete itemo nannen tatte mo
zutto kawaranai deshou
watashitachi Best Friend
suki dayo, daisuki da yo

konna osoi jikan ni gomen ne
hitori ja seppa tsumatte kita no
kimi no koe sukoshi kike tara

nande mo uchi ake rareru
mama ni mo ienai koto mo zenbu
dare yori mo wakatte kureru

ureshii toki wa jibun no koto mitai ni yorokonde kurete
dame na toki wa chanto shikatte kureru sonzai

kimi ga ite kurete hontou yokatta yo
donna toki datte itsumo
waratte irareru
tatoeba, hanarete ite mo nannen tatte mo
zutto kawaranai deshou
watashitachi Best Friend
suki da yo, daisuki da yo

tsuyoga tte mo sugu ni bareteru
hekonderu toki wa
massaki ni meru kureru yasashi sani
mou nando mo sukuwa rete

naki tai toki wa omoikkiri nake baii
soba ni iru kara tte
dare yorimo tsuyoi mikata

sonna kimi ni watashi wa nanika shite agerareteru kana?
nanika attarasuguni ton dekukara, zettai

kimi ga ite kurete hontou yokatta yo
donna toki datte itsumo
waratte irareru
tatoeba, hanare teitemo nannen tatte mo
zutto kawaranai desho
watashitachi Best Friend
suki dayo, daisuki dayo

donna toki mo inotte iru yo
sekai de ichiban ni shiawase ni natte hoshii

kimi ga ite kurete hontou yokatta yo
donna toki datte itsumo
waratte irareru
tatoeba, hanare teitemo nannen tatte mo
zutto kawaranai desho
watashitachi Best Friend
suki dayo, daisuki dayo
Thank you
I’m glad that you’re here
No matter the time
I can always smile
No matter how many years pass while we’re away from each other
Nothing will have changed
We’re Best Friends
I love you, I really love you

I’m sorry for waiting so long to say this
I was driven into a corner alone
When I hear your faint voice
I felt like I could make it

I can tell you anything
Even things I can’t tell my mom
You understand better than anyone

When I’m happy you’re just as happy for me
And you’re the one to scold me when I’m wrong

Thank you
I’m glad that you’re here
No matter the time
I can always smile
No matter how many years pass while we’re away from each other
Nothing will have changed
We’re Best Friends
I love you, I really love you

You quickly see through my pretenses
When I’m feeling down
You’re the first to send me a caring emails
That have saved me so many times

You said I should go ahead and cry when I feel like crying
Because you’d be at my side
My greatest ally

I wonder if there’s anything I can do for someone like you?
When I figure it out I’ll race over to you, I promise

Thank you
I’m glad that you’re here
No matter the time

I can always smile
No matter how many years pass while we’re away from each other
Nothing will have changed
We’re Best Friends
I love you, I really love you

I’ll always be praying
I want you to be the happiest person in the world

Thank you
I’m glad that you’re here
No matter the time
I can always smile
No matter how many years pass while we’re away from each other
Nothing will have changed
We’re Best Friends
I love you, I really love you

Japan hit by Tsunami

Yesterday, at 7 pm Japan time, Tsunami hit North part of Japan.
It affect the Narita airport.
Today , the whole day is reporting about Japan.
It indeed a big natural disaster.
Thing get worse when the eartquake actually hit the nuclear plant . As the result it cause deadth toll of 1000 over people.
This year , disaster after disaster is hitting the earth, it sounds like world gonna end soon.
Hopefully it is not 2012 as predicted.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Money Money Money

I was attending class about the managing personal finance. Ehm, the lesson is quite basic and easy to catch but the assignment is terible because it consumed a lot of time.
He posted the Mama Mia song about money.I found it interesting and quite suit the ordinary human life.
Hear the song and find the lyrics:

Song by Jenny Galloway


I work all night, I work all day

To pay the bills I have to pay


Ain't it sad?


And still there never seems to be

A single penny left for me


That's too bad


In my dreams I have a plan

If I got me a wealthy man

I would not have to work at all

I'd fool around and have a ball


Money, money, money

Must be funny

In a rich man's world

Money, money, money

Always sunny

In a rich man's world


All the things I could do

If I had a little money

It's a rich man's world

It's a rich man's world


A man like that is hard to find


But I can't get him off my mind


Ain't it sad?


And if he happens to be free
Find More lyrics at

I bet he wouldn't fancy me


That's too bad


So I must leave, I have to go

To Las Vegas or Monaco

And win a fortune in a game

My life would never be the same


Money, money, money

Must be funny

In a rich man's world

Money, money, money

Always sunny

In a rich man's world


All the things I could do


If I had a little money

It's a rich man's world

Money, money, money

Must be funny

In a rich man's world

Money, money, money

Always sunny

In a rich man's world


All the things I could do


If I had a little money

It's a rich man's world

It's a rich man's world

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Eye Care

Recently, I have been thinking hard to treat my eyesight that not as perfect as last time. I guess I have been using my eyes too hard until it reducing its power.
One of my colleagues mention that the "Inner Shine" from brands can treat her frend astigmatism.Ehm, it sounds good, but I have not go and buy that stuff yet. Last time, I ever bought and drank it for pleasure hence I never noticed the benefit.

Some said that buying a pinhole spectacles can help.But after I found the information from internet(of course eye expert), mostly claim that it does not help to reduce the eyesight problem, it just help to relax the eye by seeing through the pinhole as it cover the light from pass through the eye.

Finally, I found something that can help my eyes.It is eyes' exercises.It is easy to do .This exercise claims can treat myopia and it called The Bates Method, developed in 1891.No harm to try.We always exersice our body but often neglected to exercise our eyes.

Here we go:

1.Palming is a technique that allows the eyes to fully relax. Use the palming technique daily and following other eye exercises. To perform this technique, rub the palms of your hands together briskly so that they become warm. Place your cupped hands over your eyes so that your eyes are in darkness. Do not press on your eyes. With your eyes closed, feel the warmth from your hands and relax for a few moments.
Developing Focal Flexibility
2.One of the most important exercises you can do to treat your myopia is called a focal flexibility exercise. To do this exercise, hold your finger up about 6 inches in front of your face. Focus on your finger for a count of five; then focus on an object in the distance for a count of five. Alternate your focus from near to far, working up to 40 repetitions. Do not wear glasses or contacts when performing this exercise.
3.During this exercise, you need a source of light; an adjustable lamp with a 60- to 100-watt bulb is ideal. Throughout this entire exercise, it is important to keep your eyes CLOSED. With your eyes closed, turn directly into the light. There should be no discomfort; if there is, move farther away from the light or use a light source that is less intense. Imagine a point on the horizon. Moving your head and eyes together, turn slowly to the left, taking about 3 seconds. Return to the center. Again moving your head and eyes together, turn slowly to the right. Return again to the center. Take your time and work on keeping your eyes and head moving together rather than your eyes "jumping" ahead. Always palm after the sunning exercise.

Source: Read more: Eye Exercises to Treat Myopia |

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cai Shen Ye

Today is CNY eve.
According to fengshui master,the Chinese Lunar New Year falls on the 3rd of February 2011. However, this year the Rabbit will only arrive on the following day, 4th of February 2011 at 1232 hours. This year round it is a Yin Metal Rabbit. It is also known as a white fur Rabbit. The last time it appeared was in the year 1951. Some of you may not even be born yet.

And the important thing is when the Cai Shen Ye (Wealth Deity) will arrive?and from which side he will come from?
He will arrive on eve of CNY. He will be on the North side.
How to welcome him?
Some people go to temple and welcome him.
For another way, I am not so sure.You must consult fengshui master if you want.
Some believe to stay awake until midnight.It means don't sleep to early on the new year 's eve.

Tom Yum Soup and heatiness

Today is Wednesday, I feel heaty and I got constipation until my anal skin is bleeding.
I flashed back what I had eaten this few days, ehm ...
Monday lunch: kampung fried rice, no fruit
Monday dinner : honey chicken with rice,but I find the rice is hard and half cooked.
Tuesday lunch : Tom Yum You Mien, guava
Tuesday dinner: pig intestine soup with rice.

I guess what make me constipation is the half cooked rice and the tom yum soup make it worse.
Oh my God, it just 2 days of bad food and the effect is so fast.
Must be careful on what we eat...

Friday, January 28, 2011

Animal and its favourite foods(in Japanese)

I love Japanese language.It is sounds cute and unique.It takes very long for me to master this language.Worse still, until now I still cannot held a conversation using this languange.Hopefully in this few years,my skills is improving.I visit various website and found this video.I enjoy view the page and would like to share in my blog also.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Life is very colourful

Last time when I was still in Senior High School. I ever write a story about "Life and Fate"in Indonesia and it won second prize for the story.Sometimes the idea is just flow and you will find yourself have a lot of idea at that moment and you will become a good writer, hahaha.

The main thing about the story I write is sometimes you will find a person has a lot of talent but his or her life is not as fantastic as the talent he has.On the other hand, somebody that you feel so so or not as good as you think , in fact always got better deal than the one I first mention.

Ehm, I guess this is why life is so colourful.Unfair in life often invites jealousity,angriness and even betrayal.People fight and they forget what is the purpose in life is.People always taught to differentiate bad from good and they have to responsible for what they do.They know there is heaven and hell also.But when temptation come, all of this is forgotten.This is because temptation is design to prevent you from reaching the "Gold" in your life.

Don't you think life is so colourful?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

continue from " Wobbly Earth means your horoscope is wrong"

To be exact the additonal horoscope is Ophiuchus.It is commonly represented as a man grasping the snake.
It is located between Aquila, Serpens and Hercules, northwest of the center of the Milky Way. The southern part lies between Scorpius to the west and Sagittarius to the east. It is best visible in the northern summer and located opposite Orion in the sky. Ophiuchus is depicted as a man grasping a serpent; the interposition of his body divides the snake constellation Serpens into two parts, Serpens Caput and Serpens Cauda, which are nonetheless counted as one constellation.

Let me highlight the additional horoscopes again:
Capricorn: Jan. 20-Feb. 16.
•Aquarius: Feb. 16-March 11.
•Pisces: March 11-April 18.
•Aries: April 18-May 13.
•Taurus: May 13-June 21.
•Gemini: June 21-July 20.
•Cancer: July 20-Aug. 10.
•Leo: Aug. 10-Sept. 16.
•Virgo: Sept. 16-Oct. 30.
•Libra: Oct. 30-Nov. 23.
•Scorpio: Nov. 23-29.
•Ophiuchus: Nov. 29-Dec. 17.
•Sagittarius: Dec. 17-Jan. 20.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wobbly Earth means your horoscope is wrong

New article about horoscope.Interestingly, it said that our horoscopes the total is actually 13 not 12.It was the Babylonians that change the rules.If you interested with this story, read the below article, you find that your horoscopes you used to know is not your horoscopes.

By Stephanie Pappas
updated 1/14/2011 2:00:22 PM ET 2011-01-14T19:00:22
Share Print Font: +-If you look to your horoscope for a preview of your day, look again: You're probably following somebody else's supposed fate.

Thanks to Earth's wobble, astrological signs are, well, bunk. (Or even more bunk than you might expect.) Astrological signs are determined by the position of the sun relative to certain constellations on a person's day of birth. The problem is, the positions were determined more than 2,000 years ago. Nowadays, the stars have shifted in the night sky so much that horoscope signs are nearly a month off. [Read: Why Your Horoscope for 2011 Is All Wrong ]

"Astrology tells us that the sun is in one position, whereas astronomy tells us it's in another position," said Joe Rao,'s skywatching columnist and a lecturer at New York's Hayden Planetarium.

The shift is caused by precession, the wobble in the Earth's axis caused by the gravitational attraction of the moon to the Earth's equator. Precession popped into the spotlight this week after Minnesota Planetarium Society board member Parke Kunkle told the Minneapolis Star-Tribune about the gap between the astrological and the astronomical view. The story spread around the Internet quickly, but it's actually old news, Rao said.

Very old news.

"The earliest known astronomer to recognize and assess the movement of precession was Aristarchus of Samos, who lived around 280 B.C.," Rao told LiveScience.

The attention triggered by his interview with the newspaper has been "astounding." Kunkle, who teaches astronomy at Minneapolis Community and Technical College, told Livescience, He gave the interview at the request of the paper to discuss precession, and the science he described is centuries old, he said.

"Bombshell dropped?" Kunkle said. "Well, no, not really."

Here's what astronomers know: The Earth is like a wobbly top. As it rotates, its axis swings in a circle, pointing in different directions. As the Earth's position shifts, so does our perspective of the night sky.

For example, Rao said, we take the North Star, Polaris, for granted. It's the star most closely aligned with Earth's North Pole. But back when the pyramids were constructed, the star that aligned with the North Pole wasn't Polaris at all: It was a star in the constellation Draco called Thuban. In 12,000 years, Earth's North Star will be Vega, the brightest star in the constellation Lyra.

The complete rotation takes 26,000 years, Rao said.

"Everything in the sky is in flux," he said.

•Still interested? Read your horoscope on
•BLTWY: A look at how the new zodiac affects pols
Even if the astrological signs were stable, there's no evidence the stars have anything to do with people's day-to-day existence. One 2006 study published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences used data from more than 15,000 people and found no relationship between date of birth and personality.

Despite the complete lack of scientific and observational evidence for astrology, 25 percent of Americans still believe in it, a recent Pew survey found. So here are the "real" dates of astrological signs, according to astronomers:

•Capricorn: Jan. 20-Feb. 16.
•Aquarius: Feb. 16-March 11.
•Pisces: March 11-April 18.
•Aries: April 18-May 13.
•Taurus: May 13-June 21.
•Gemini: June 21-July 20.
•Cancer: July 20-Aug. 10.
•Leo: Aug. 10-Sept. 16.
•Virgo: Sept. 16-Oct. 30.
•Libra: Oct. 30-Nov. 23.
•Scorpio: Nov. 23-29.
•Ophiuchus: Nov. 29-Dec. 17.
•Sagittarius: Dec. 17-Jan. 20.
The list includes Ophiuchus, a formation the ancient Babylonians discarded because they wanted 12 star signs, not 13. That's yet another example of how astrologers cherry-pick and ignore astronomical observations, Rao said.

"It's crazy," Rao said. "Really, they have their own set of rules."

Nevertheless, maybe some good will come of the astrology-astronomy media blitz, Kunkle said.

"At the very least, I hope it makes people go out and actually look at the sky," Kunkle said. "That's the fun part."

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Zodiac Forecast for 2011

Previously I post the prediction for western zodiac.This time I complete it with chinese one.This prediction is get from this website:
Last year , I attended the seminar conducted by Mr Vincent , that's why I get to know this website.

Zodiac Forecast for 2011

Rat – 1948, 1960, 1984, 1996, and 2008
Although in conflict with the rabbit, you’ll be basking under the lucky stars this year! Commit yourself to more charitable deeds so as to amplify your providence in the Rabbit year. Although 2011 is filled with great fortune and wealth, keep yourself away from lawsuits and conflicts by exercising integrity.

Ox – 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997 and 2009
Brace yourself for a challenging year ahead as uncertainties and unpredictability will intensify your luck this year. Draw a clear line between private and official interests so as to ensure that you would make the right choices. Be prepared to brave the storms ahead with a positive attitude. You may feel neglected and lonely. Go out to meet friends and be happy.

Tiger – 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998 and 2010
Your luck recovers this year but possibilities of getting yourself involved in lawsuits are also high. Do stay away from acting rashly and avoid unnecessary quarrels. Always keep a positive attitude and evade from complaining. Keep an open mind. Helpful people are around you.

Rabbit – 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, and 2011
You are self conflict with the rabbit. The arrival of lucky stars shall diminish the inauspicious kismet this year. However, a slight mistake shall deter you from succeeding. To walk on a path void of obstacles, shun arrogance and proceed prudently at all times.

Dragon – 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988 and 2000
A bright career path amid sunny days is in sight. Strive for career achievements and clear your mind of burdens and input more vigor into your life. Craftiness will leave you alone, allowing you to focus on career development.

Snake – 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, and 2001
A major setback may arouse and aimless drifting further throws you into deeper uncertainty. Clear direction is required in anything you do this year. For a smoother path, settle down and set your mind on a definite target.

Horse – 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, and 2002
Good fortune is bestowed upon you in 2011. However, be wary not to fall into love traps, or risk a bad reputation and monetary losses. Exercise vigilance whenever possible to prevent accidents.

Goat – 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991 and 2003
Be contented and bask in the rewards brought about in 2011. Being displeased will not only throw you into bewilderment, but it may cause you to lose what you have achieved last year. Make some plans to improve yourself through attending enrichment courses.

Monkey – 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, and 2004
A bright future is expected on the career front. However, health issues may arise, thus, be careful of what you eat and exercise regularly to eliminate possible dangers ahead.

Rooster – 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993 and 2005
This year you are in direct confrontation with the Rabbit. No lucky stars are in sight this year. It is time to adjust your frame of mind and accept the quiet year ahead. You shall be able to triumph over problems with negligible damage if you have been kind to others in 2010. Otherwise, you have to be prepared to stumble upon frequent obstacles and difficulties.

Dog – 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, and 2006
Reflect on your past faults and start anew to strive for brilliant achievements on the career front. However, bear in mind that conceit is detrimental to your success and you might fall into a gulf of desolation.

Pig – 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, and 2007
Do not be dismayed that things are not going as smoothly as it did in 2010. With willpower, perseverance and a clear conscience, you will be able to tide over all crises. Adopt the approach of loving your enemies, as this allows you to recognize your inadequacy and conquer them.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Goat's Milk Body Lotion

Goatmilk Comforting Body Lotion (250ml)
Daily moisturising for delicate or sensitive skin formulated with concentrated goatmilk extract, glycerine, oat kernel oil, vitamin E and hydrolysed milk proteins. This sheer light formula absorbs easily and leaves skin feeling soft.
Retail Price: S$ 35.00

Recently,I just bought body lotion with Goat Milk.It is from Crabtree and Evelyn.
I attracted with the after apply feeling.It gives a smooth ,powdery feeling.
First time I open and used, I found it has a very strong smell in my body until I got complain from my hubby.
I kept my cupboard a few weeks and thought want to get rid of it.
Before I did it, I thought of give it a try one more time.
Second time I apply, I found the smell is not so strong as the first time.
I don't know why, I guess the fragrance has weaken.
I was very happy that I can still used it and no need to waste my money.
It does not come cheap.It cost $35 for 250 ml.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

2011 western horoscope prediction

Now is early 2011, it is still consider new of the year. A lot of people tried to plan their one whole stretch of the year and hope that it will be better than previous year.

I am sure a lot of us like to read about the prediction and will feel happy if the prediction said is good.

I have found interesting website for the prediction. This webstite gives quite details information for each of the every month in the year 2011.
Nice to read, but not necessary to believe and put into heart.
Believe whatever is good only, so you can feel happy:)

Here you go:

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


For the fellow Indonesian people , I am sure all of you familiar with "Kopiko" brand.
It started with coffee candy and it surprisingly distributed until the Europe side.

This afternoon,I tried the brown coffee from the similar brand.
It tastes similar to the candy.It has strong aroma of coffee,creamy and caramelic.
It tastes nice, worth to try...

Monday, January 10, 2011

It takes 2 months to realize the affect of my cleanser

Recently, my face is getting rough.I were using "Kawai Nature Break".I bought because it has won "Most Hydrating Cleanser" by The CLEO Beauty Hall of Fame 2010!
Attracted by the advertisement and price, I forgot that I have slight allergic with cleanser that contain soybean , isoflavone as one of the key ingredients for anti aging.Oh my God, my face...

Finally, I cannot risk my face anymore.I bought another new cleanser despite it has still a lot.I bought SK II cleanser. In just two days, I can feel improvement althought it still rough but it is much better than before.I am sure in will be smooth again in 1 weeks:)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Ai Piah Cia Eh Yia

I suddenly remember this memory song and happily post the link.

Ai pia cia e ya
Note: lyrics is read as you read Indonesian.

一时失志 不免怨叹
Chi shisi ci e mian huan dan
At a time when we lose, our ego would naturally blame.

一时落 魄不免胆寒
Chi si lo bie e mian dan han
At a time when we falldown, our soul would naturally be terrified

那通失去希望 每日醉茫茫
Na tang sit gi hii bang, mui lit zui bang bang
The memory of going through days of losing hopes and getting drunk

Mbo hun wu dei qing qiu tiu jao lang
My body is without a soul just like a scarecrow

Yin shing ko pi si hai siong e po long
But life really is just like the tide of the sea

Wu si gii wu si luo
They rise and fall by turn

Ho un pai un
Goodluck, Badluck

Cong ma ciao gi kang lai kia
Really, you just have to wake up and get to work, do it.

三分天注定 七分靠打拼
Sa hun ti cut tia, jit hun ko ba pia
Thirty percent is Heaven's will, Seventy percent is hard work

Ai pia cia e ya
To win, you have to give your all.

"I ask heaven" song

I post this song because almost everyday I listened to this song from Taiwan Drama , feature on channel 8.It keeps on turn in my head, I better let the sounds stick on this blog:)This song is nice and full of meaning.I guess auntie and uncle will love it also.

Hong ya jin siew ki
Hor ya jin siew ki
Ki wan a ye bo ji ki
Ai ya siow si ki ,Qin go lai ta bin
Seo li seo li m zai wu sia yi yi
Si ge te tam tia To wei wu li ye siao si
Wa ye kam qing bo li Bang ga si si
Wa meng ti Wa meng ti Kam ye tang mai chong di
Go zai ai li Jik moi si wa ka ki Wa meng ti
Wa meng Ti Kam ye tang mai chong di
Sio bei bang bui ki Wa bu di bu kam zui zab ni
Kun gua a hor Kam kong si lan yin ye lui
M guan bin dui heng sit mang tiong zui zap ni


The wind is furious
The rain is also furious
Furious of me for being useless
When I thought love has gone forever
Another love comes and entangle
Thinking of you becoming meaningless
Oh, I ask Heaven, I ask Heaven
Don’t disturb me, please, oh, don’t, Heaven
My love still exist, and I’m the one who who get the torture
Oh, I ask Heaven, I ask Heaven
But Heaven still want to make fun of me further
I try to forget thee, so I get drunk and drunk daily
Look out at the window, I can see raindrops falling
I can’t differentiate it’s rain or my tears, will you tell me?
The pain will follow me wherever I go, even in my dreams

(continue with the chorus – I ask Heaven, I ask Heaven, so on and so forth..hope you are okay after reciting, can still differentiate between rain and tears….)

Intro 2011

I have a lot of things in my mind.Everyhting seems interesting to write.Perhaps, I really should not think too much, and just let the words flow.The more I think, the more I never write anything:)
This blog is freshly created on 9 January 2011.This blog is to encourage myself to write better and to record everything that is interesting in life.